Makes the hard one humble….

We have arrived in Bangkok and settled into our hotel for our one night- well 7 hours really! Can’t get that song from Chess out of my head!

The joy of an early morning flight from Cairns is watching the sunrise, although at this time of year even a 5.30am flight takes off in daylight. Still got to see some beautiful colour as we ascended however.


In Brisbane was wonderful to catch up with Tess, Ants and Dan and have breakfast together before I met up with our group. Our excitement and nerves was evident as we waited to check in. Fortunately my 53kg of luggage, of which I estimate about 40kg is donations, got through from Cairns (Qantas was amazing!) and checking in as a group with Thai Airways meant it was all averaged out and for the 20 of us travelling we were around 60kg under limit!

The flight to Bangkok was semi-uneventful- I scored the middle seat of three in the middle section of the plane with two burly gents either side with elbows and legs to spread. Managed to get up and walk around a few times and made some progress on my Sockhead Hat– had to restart it on the way down from Cairns as I missed the ‘being careful not to twist’…


Loved Thai Airways- great service and amazing food! Super exhausted now and in need of sleep.

Date: Saturday, 22. October 2016 23:26
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  1. 1

    Hope you get some rest now Fi. Enjoy the challenges that lie ahead. Love, Mum. XX

  2. 2

    Glad you got all your donations through.

  3. 3

    Have a safe trip! Glad to read your good reviews of Thai Airways, we are flying with them to Thailand in December.

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