Episode 19- I could’ve been a contender!
Show Notes:
This podcast can also be viewed on YouTube over here!
Donations: Because people asked, I have obliged. There is now a donations button on the tab for people who want to help support this podcast by giving dollars (and/or cents!) All support is much appreciated and I don’t put the button here asking for donations, but rather because it was asked for. Hope this makes sense!
KAL: This is now the final week of the Knit a Hug KAL. Get your pics posted in the board by next Sunday when I record! The gorgeous Petra (TheWonderer) has designed a simply beautiful shawl ‘Many Rivers to Cross‘ to raise money for the Cerebal Palsy Foundation. Until the end of May, Petra is giving people the opportunity to purchase this pattern for only $1 with all proceeds going to the Cerbal Palsy Foundation. The coupon code is ‘HUG.’ For more information you can read her very moving post on the board.
Gifts: Graphic Infection, Happy Street
FOs: A Henslowe Hug, Snoop Dog’s Brolly
WIP: Mustard Sandwiches!
Acquisitions: Into the Whirled, The Sassy Sheep, Desert Vista Dyeworks