Reflection on 2016
Monday, 12. December 2016 1:24
In years past I sent out Christmas Cards, usually with a ‘newsy letter’ included. One of the joys of the digital age is the ease at which I can produce an epistle, and put it up for those who want to read it to read it and those who don’t can skim over it or ignore it altogether!
Overall 2016 has been a great year and this is the first year in a while I can actually say this. I am not sure how much is me choosing or being able to ignore the not so pleasant parts or if I deal with them in a different way, but the good seems to certainly outweigh the bad. My studies are going really well and I am achieving great grades. I know it is not all about the grades so it is also great to have amazing placements and to receive some very positive feedback from this work based practice. In April I started working as an Assistant in Nursing (AIN) for Queensland Health. Usually I sit with high acuity patients who need someone with them to ensure they are safe. I have met some amazing people in this work and I really love it. I think that one of the things I will miss as a Registered Nurse is being able to sit with the same patients for 8 hours and listen to them.
In February the four of us travelled to Melbourne to celebrate Mum’s 70th birthday. Only three of us returned home! Miss 18 stayed in Melbourne as she was accepted into Melbourne Uni to study Arts. She is majoring in Communication and Japanese and would like to become a journalist. She has had an amazing year. She received a scholarship to the same residential college her parents attended and has taken to college life like a duck to water.
Mr 15 has also had a great year. He has just finished year 10 and is ready to start his senior years. He will be glad to be rid of science subjects and taking Maths A which is the life application maths stream that looks at interest and budgets and has more practical application in his life. He is yet to look for a part-time job but had an amazing week’s work experience at a local web design company. He fluctuates in his ambitions, however he is determined to head to uni. Whilst he loves his drama still he is not sure he wants to pursue an acting career and is now wavering on game design instead looking at following his sister to Melbourne to study Arts majoring in creative writing. He is yet to secure a part-time job, however has had some acting/entertaining gigs that have boosted his bank account a little! In September he went with school to the USA for a fortnight for Space Camp at NASA. He had a wonderful time, despite his so called disinterest in science. Go figure!
MIML™ has spent a great deal of this year restoring an old 1970s Landrover Series II. I keep being told about it and I nod, but really am none the wiser about the diff and the gaskets! After joking that I would prefer it to have power steering and air-con, he has found a wreck that has some form of power steering which he is going to try and fit. Air-con is a fair way off I think!
Ninja the black lab is getting older but still acting like a puppy. She enjoys her evening walks with MIML™ and I and every so often we think she has stopped digging. Alas I don’t think she has yet to extinguish this trait! Max and Leo the ragdolls still lounge around the house and occasionally disgrace themselves believing someone’s bed is the litter tray. Bad kitties!
Both spawn are home for the holidays this year which will be lovely. I am not sure if I am working yet so will see if we have Christmas lunch or dinner! Miss 18 has a job at a local hotel in the food and beverage department so she may be working Christmas Day too.
So there you have it. A brief update on where we are at and so much easier than printing things out, stuffing envelopes, finding addresses and mailing them! Wishing you and yours a happy and safe Christmas and an awesome 2017!
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