Rest and relaxation
Monday, 31. October 2016 23:46
Today was our second day off. After an early night last night I was awake for breakfast and then went for a walk with some other students. We headed towards the lake and after refueling on a coffee walked around the lake stopping to watch a snake charmer!
I am so not a snake person and should have held my camera landscape instead of portrait, but I think you get the idea. Please note the shadow of my left hand!
Walking around the lake gave us some gorgeous views of the mountains and also the boats and local fishers.
We were game enough to hire a life vest and venture across the lake to a Hindi temple.
Whilst the boat was rickety, I really felt for the chap doing the rowing as he does this 6 days a week! The island was a little touristy, however being festival time there were plenty of families heading over to pay their respects.
The temple was quite beautiful and of course had lovely views.
After returning Lakeside, I went for a leisurely walk along the shopping strip and planned what I would like to purchase in the coming 10 days or so. At one stage I came across a cow who I think had been nibbling on the apples and bananas people had left out as offerings last night!
I also came across some people dancing in the street celebrating the festival.
After writing some more postcards (please let me know if you would like me to send you one- it’s cheaper than sending a letter in Australia!) a group went out for a pasta dinner at an Italian restaurant- it was quite nice not having spicy food for a change! All in all a lovely relaxing day, even if I did manage over 15,000 steps!
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