Episode 53- Prizes, goals and new bases!
Show Notes:
This podcast can also be viewed on YouTube over here!
Administradium-ia-ialia: Drawings for 1) 250 Members 2) Solar Flair Fibres FOs for October-December and 3) the Gunna KAL! Thanks for all playing along! If you won, don’t forget to contact me! Don’t forget about the 5000 Poppies project. Please take a look and consider knitting, crocheting or felting some poppies.
There is also a thread open for the Podiversary draw- win a skein of Solar Flair Fibres- drawn next week!
WIPs: Twining Trees, New Year (Age of) Aquarius Low Tide.
Acquisitions: Desert Vista Dyeworks, Spinning and Dyeing Yarn
Shop News: The shop is here if you want to have a looksie! Next round of club signups are open! If you haven’t signed up for the newsletter, it is not too late!